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What’s a girl to do? Her husband ships out on an aircraft carrier for months on end leaving this naïve newlywed to deal not only with boredom and loneliness, but with psychotic house cats and uppity appliances as well!
Beginning in San Diego, California, and ending in Jacksonville, Florida, When Will My Ship Come In? The Misadventures of a Navy Wife is a hilarious romp through one woman’s encounter with the United States Navy and how she lived to tell about it.
When Will My Ship Come In?
The Misadventures of a Navy Wife
By L.A. Krueger
Reviewed by Donna Conger, author of 4 romances (
Bill Cosby, Jerry Seinfeld, Tim Allen, Erma Bombeck, Dave Barry, and... Linda Krueger. What do they all have in common? They have written some of the funniest books I've ever read! I love humor books, especially the type where the author simply observes other people, and/or relates their own life experiences. Truth is stranger than fiction, but sometimes it's also much funnier! Ms. Krueger shares knee slapping details on the life of a newlywed Navy wife: her crafts, her craziness, her craving for babies, and the adventures of her cats during the long months of her husband's many deployments. I loved this book for the fun stories, but since I was an Army brat (I never understood that term, because the children of enlisted men and officers are generally well behaved), I remember well the unique and unpredictable nature of having a father in the military. The stories in this book will have enlisted folks nodding, even if they aren't Navy, and civilians cracking up!

“As a fellow navy wife with my husband on his 1st deployment, I thoroughly related to the author. She made me laugh aloud and cry some silent tears. It is worth reading again and again. Whether you're navy or not, you will enjoy this charming tale and see a side of the navy you don't often hear about!"
- G. M. Hoffman
Jacksonville, Florida
Linda recently received a thank you note from President & Mrs. George W. Bush after sending them a copy of When Will My Ship Come In? The Misadventures of a Navy Wife.
I couldn't put down "When Will My Ship Come In" until I finished it! Perfectly delightful! LOVED IT! It should be required reading for all Navy wives and future Naval wives!!!
- Ginger
Tallahassee, FL
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Linda's Newest Book now exclusively for Kindle and Nook!
Linda has been writing articles on Biblical studies for fifteen years, bringing encouragement and hope for those in a weary world. Written from a Messianic Jewish perspective, Linda brings unique insights to Biblical studies. This work is a collection of some of Linda's favorite articles from the past fifteen years. As always, it is her desire to encourage and challenge her readers to delve more deeply into the Bible to learn more about not only what it says, but about the One Who wrote it.
Now available on Kindle from Amazon!
Something sinister is going on in the beautiful beach town of Santa Juanita, California, but not even the target of the plot knows what's really happening.
Naomi Thompson suddenly feels as though she is living in the nightmare that has terrified her since childhood. With her life crumbling around her, Naomi begins searching for answers, but will those answers bring her the peace she so desperately craves? Ultimately Naomi must make a choice that will change her life forever, but with her decisions being influenced by unseen powers, will she make the right choice?
Find out in L.A. Krueger's latest Christian thriller, Terror By Night, as you step behind the veil between the reality we know and the unseen spiritual reality that surrounds us.
Terror By Night
By L.A. Krueger
Reveiwed by Donna Conger, author of 4 romances
Every so often, you have the extreme blessing of reading the perfect novel. Terror By Night is such a book. Tightly written, it successfully combines romance, mystery, and a heart-rending picture of the unseen but spirit-felt battle for souls. Scripture comes alive through Mrs. Krueger's characters without being preachy, and with heart-pounding suspense! My spirit was lifted and my heart challenged. I highly recommend this book!
"Terror By Night is the kind of fiction we love to read at our house. There were two book marks in the book the entire time I was reading it, because my husband was reading it at the same time--A first for us--the story was that good. L. A. Krueger wrote a tight story. She crossed all her T's and dotted all her I's. The only problem I had with the book is that it ended. I loved it! I have absolutely no reservations about recommending the book to others. It was an excellent story."
- Jocelyn Andersen, Florida
"L.A. Krueger will once again captivate your thoughts in 'Terror By Night.' I was pleased to review her new Christian Thriller. Linda has created an enchanting story of guilt and forgiveness in this novel that quickly unfolds in a direction you would never guess. Hurry and order 'Terror By Night.' It's sensational."
- Kim Gaona, Kim's Reviews
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